PostersArtists — Hlavatý, Vratislav


Hlavatý, Vratislav

Hlavatý, Vratislav

Born 18 th of September 1934 in Náchod.
Graphic artist, illustrator and author of animated films.

Studied at the College of Applied Arts in Prague (1950 – 1953) and the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (1953 – 1959; Adolf Hoffmeister). Has exhibited on his own since 1957, as pat of a group since 1958. Created eighty-two film posters over the years 1964 – 1989.

Award winning film posters: 1977 – 1978 third prize from the magazine The Hollywood Reporter and the Silver Hugo at the International Film Festival in Chicago (Harold Lloyd ); 1988 Honourable mention for „The Best Poster of the Year“ (Get Your Vouchers and Take It Easy).


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