In this section you can find 2637 kinds of Czechoslovak exhibition posters, which are part of our collection. You can also search by particular galleries and thematic areas. Posters that doesn’t belong to specific series can be found in the “Czechoslovak Exhibition Posters – Others” section:
1/ National Gallery in Prague
3/ Albatros Gallery
4/ National Museum in Prague
5/ AJG České Budějovice
6/ Jaroslav Fragner Gallery
7/ Václav Špála Gallery
8/ Náprstek Museum in Prague
9/ Manes Exhibition Hall
10/ National Technical Museum
11/ Vincenc Kramář Gallery
12/ Museum Kampa
13/ Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague
14/ Central Bohemia Museum in Roztoky
15/ Central Bohemia Gallery in Prague
16/ Prague Museum
17/ DOX – Centre for Contemporary Art
18/ Cheb Museum
19/ Gallery of Art in Cheb
20/ Moravian Gallery Brno
21/ Gallery H in Kostelec nad Černými lesy
22/ Zdeněk Sklenář Gallery
23/ International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno
24/ Brno Trade Fairs
25/ Liberec Trade Fairs
26/ Ostrava Trade Fairs
27/ Trade Fairs – Various
28/ Flora Olomouc Festival
29/ Exibitions of Posters
30/ Posters for Photos Exhibitions
31/ Book Exhibition
32/ KSČ – Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Exhibition
33/ Architecture in Poster
34/ Czechoslovak Exhibition Posters – Others