PostersArtists — Vaca, Karel


Vaca, Karel

Vaca, Karel

Born 21st of July 1919 in Prostějov, died 31st of March 1989 in Prague. Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, designer.

Studied at the Rotter School of Advertising Graphics in Prague (1937-1938) and at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (1945-1950; Emil Filla). Has exhibited as part of a group since 1941, and independently since the year 1948. Member of the group Trasa (Route; since 1959). Over the years 1959-1989 created two hundred-eighty-nine film posters.

Award winning film posters: second prize in 1964 at the IFF Karlovy Vary (The Sweet Life- and Accused); 1977 special prize from The Hollywood Reporter (The White Odyssey); 1980 Grand Prix of the IFF in Chicago (National Class Category Up to 785 ccm- ); 1982 third prize of The Hollywood Reporter (Don´t Call Me Major); 1984 Silver Medal of the IFF in Chicago (For 200 Grand, You Get Nothing Now); 1988 Honourable mention „The Best Poster of the Year“ )The Great Film Robbery).

We presented poster art made by Karel Vaca in June 2009 on exhibiton in kino Svetozor.


Related information:

Work examples

Book covers (31)

Book illustrations (49)

